Recreation Facility Housekeeping Workshop

This one-day workshop outlines the importance of daily housekeeping in recreation facilities. The information covered forms industry accepted best practices for all staff who have janitorial obligations in any public facility. Participants will return to the workplace with a better understanding of what is at risk because of poor cleaning and sanitization practices. A confirmed evaluation of risks and hazards associated with common janitorial tasks will be further established.

Topics include:

  • Understanding Public Facilities Cleaning Regulatory Obligations
  • Facility Stewardship
  • Cleaning Chemistry - Understanding Dirt, Bacteria, Cleaners and Sanitizers
  • Understanding Soaps, Solvents, Enzymes, Abrasives, Detergents and Corrosives Cleaners
  • Facility Fungi Management
  • Blood Borne Diseases
  • Efficiently Cleaning a Recreation Facility
  • Efficiently Cleaning a Public Washroom and Shower
  • Efficiently Cleaning Public Areas
  • Janitorial Worker Risks, Hazards and Ergonomics
  • Advanced Tools of the Trade
Who should attend? There is no prerequisite requirement for this workshop. It will be of interest to those who have scheduling of facility cleaning duties and frontline staff who perform the daily work within the recreation facility industry