Buildings and Grounds

The following documents represent suggested guidelines and best practices and are available as a benefit of membership for download in PDF format.


Release Date

Recreation Facility Rooftop Solar Panel Guideline 2024 April 
Adding an EV Charging Station at a Recreation Facility Guideline 2023 September 
Recreation Facility Air Balancing Guideline 2023 July 
Recreation Grounds Worker Risk and Hazard Awareness Guideline2023 June 
Recreation Facility Lubrication Guideline 2023 June 
Recreation Facility Patio Heater Use Guideline 2022 October 
Guidelines For Recreation Facility Planning, Design & Construction 2022 October 
Applying the CSA Z614, Children's Play spaces and Equipment Standard Guideline2022 August 
Sport Field Bleachers Risk and Hazard Guideline 2022 August 
Grounds Worker - Tick Awareness 
Note: Update - originally released in July 2017
2022 May 
Recreation Facility Building Automation Systems (BAS) 101 2022 March 
Recreation Facility Accessibility - Planning to Get Out Safely Guideline 2022 February 
Calculating How Often to Clean a Recreation Facility Guideline2022 February
Rebuilding User Trust Post Pandemic Through Recreation Facility Washroom Design and Maintenance 2021 October 
Grounds Worker Parasitic (Stinging/Biting) Insects – Risk, Hazard and Control Guideline2021 August 
Facility Contact Surface Cleaning 2020 June 
Facility Whole Room Disinfection Guideline2020 May 
Recreation Facility Legionella Outbreak Risks and Responsibilities Guideline
2020 March 

Biofilm 101 - Risks, Hazards and the Potential for Reduced Equipment Lifecycle

2020 March 
Facility Fire Extinguisher Awareness and Staff Training Guideline 
Note: Update - originally released in Sep. 2019
2020 February 
Recreation Facility Entrance Matting Selection and Maintenance Guideline2019 April 
Recreation Facility Domestic Hot Water Tank Upkeep and Maintenance Guideline2019 April 
Managing Recreation Facilities Electrical Assets Guideline2019 April 
Developing an Effective Recreation Facility Maintenance Task Management System2018 November 
A Guideline for Safely Storing, Stacking, Lifting, and Moving in a Recreation Facility2018 November 
Recreation Facility Electrical and Plumbing Health Monitoring Guideline2018 November 
How To Host A Safe Community Festival or Event 2018 May 
Outdoor Event Emergency Preparedness and Management Guideline 2018 February 
Shinny Hockey - Risks and Responsibilities 2017 November 
Frozen Natural Water/Pond Skating/Hockey Guideline 2017 October 
Being Prepared to Efficiently Retire (Decommission) Ontario's Aging Recreation Infrastructure 2017 October 
Riding Mower - Roll-Over Protection 2017 August 
Power Mower Safety Guidelines 2017 July 
The Importance and Benefits of Planned Facility Sensing Maintenance and Equipment Calibration 2017 June 

Facility Standby Generator Inspection and Maintenance Guidelines

2017 June 
The Benefits and Challenges of Daylighting Recreation Facilities 2017 February 
Pyrotechnics - Fireworks Safety 2016 February 
Recreation Facility Emergency Planning
Note: Updated - originally released in February 2002
2015 December 
Recreation Facility Cleaning Chemistry 101 2015 October 
Guidelines For Creating and Maintaining Outdoor Ice
Note: Updated - Originally released in June 2007
2015 October
Who is a Supervisor Under the OHSA 2015 February 
25-Years Later Is WHMIS a Workplace Trap 2015 January 
Working Safely on Floating Ice (IHSA) 2014 December
Guidelines for Basic Awareness Training 2014 September 
Recreation Facilities Environmental Guidelines 2014 June 
Giant Hogweed - Safety Bulletin, City of Toronto 2014 June
Recreation Staff Working Alone 2014 May 
Understanding Ontario's Traffic Manual - Book 7 2014 May
New and Young Worker Employer Guide 2014 April 
Guidelines for Reporting Critical Injuries 2013 August 
Automatic External Defibrillators: Unsecured Locations 2013 June
Ministry of Labour - Safe At Work Strategy: Personal Protective Equipment 2011 October 
Understanding Living Green Space Inspection Expectations and Obligations Awareness Notice 2010 December
Facility Noise the Potential for Long-Term Hearing Affects 2009 December 
Healthy and Active Ontarian's through Recreation and Parks Infrastructure 2007 July

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