ORFA Members Raise Concern of Sporting Gear Storage Creating Facility Egress Obstruction Risks and Challenges

December 10, 2024

Ice arenas have chronically been under designed for adequate storage space. The increase in size of a traditional hockey gear bag has increased by 100% over the years. Storing multiple teams gear between games often results in egress obstruction. Facility managers are reminded that public safety is a critical part of building management and is strictly controlled under the Fire Code. The following citations are from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1, Fire Code, 2015 Edition with note that all regions have similar language in their Fire Code.

The following information is offered for awareness and discussion purposes only.

Chapter Unobstructed Egress. In every occupied building or structure, means of egress from all parts of the building shall be maintained free and unobstructed.

Chapter 14.4 Means of Egress Reliability.

14.4.1* Maintenance. Means of egress shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency. [101:]

A.14.4.1 A proper means of egress allows unobstructed travel at all times. Any type of barrier including… an obstruction or impediment to full instant use of means of egress… any security device or system that emits any medium that could obscure a means of egress. It is, however, recognized that obstructions occur on a short-duration basis. In these instances, awareness training should be provided to ensure that blockages are kept to a minimum and procedures are established for the control and monitoring of the area affected. [101: A.]

Facility management would be diligent to include direction on how team gear is to be stored as part of the event contract. In addition, providing staff with training with regards to how obstruction issues are to be handled is strongly recommended.