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Technical Standards and Safety Authority - Alternative Rules for Ice Facilities
Presenter: Brian Gee, Chief Officer, Operating Engineers Program, TSSA
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority, Operating Engineers Program, under the leadership of Brian Gee, Chief Officer has completed a review process that will allow for more options for the operation of registered attended guarded ice sheet refrigeration plants. Brian will be presenting a session on “Understanding the 219/01 Regulations” that are being released December 1, 2020. Be the first to hear what is happening officially in our industry.
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Municipal Property Assessment Corporation - Taxes and Municipal Recreation Facilities Presenter: Stephanie Wells, AIMA, Legislation and Policy Support Services Analyst, MPAC
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation is responsible for accurately assessing and classifying all properties in the province for property and school tax calculations. Join Stephanie as she explains how recreation facilities are traditionally tax exempt and discusses what variables might change this status. If you have any form of business operating under a contractual relationship you might want to tune in.
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National Hockey League - Announces Program to Support Local Rinks Presenters: Omar Mitchell, NHL Vice President of Sustainable Infrastructure and Growth Initiatives and Ian Storey, I.B. Storey Inc.
Local ice rinks across North America are important social and cultural community hubs, and eighty percent of these facilities are twenty years old or more, and have aging infrastructures,” said Omar Mitchell, NHL Vice President of Sustainable Infrastructure and Growth Initiatives. “The NHL is committed to supporting the revitalization of these community rinks, as the growth and accessibility of our game at the grassroots level is significantly impacted by the health of these facilities. The NHL has partnered with I.B. Storey Inc. to leverage their expertise and provide integrated solutions and support to community rinks in their efforts to lower energy costs and consumption, especially during this unprecedented time. ORFA Technical Director, Terry Piche will moderate discussions with Omar and Ian about this opportunity.
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Ice Making and Painting Technologies
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Ice Maintenance and Equipment Operation
Creating Accessible Recreation Facilities for People Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) and the Ontario Recreation Facilities Association Inc. (ORFA) worked in partnership on a project titled: Creating Accessible Recreation Facilities for People Who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. This EnAbling Change project was produced with the support of the Government of Ontario.
An awareness video was produced to provide a better insight on how to communicate with Deaf and hard of hearing consumers, along with incorporating communications and alerting devices into the built environment. A series of scenarios were filmed over a two day period at the City of Pickering, Pickering Recreation Complex with a number of volunteers and recreation staff participating in each scene.
2014 - December |
Osgoode Hall Law Visiting Professor David Lepofsky’s introductory overview of what the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act is, why it was enacted, and how it works. Useful for those who know little or nothing about it and need to learn fast.
2020 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2020 - December |
2019 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2019 - December |
2018 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2018 - December |
2017 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2017 - December |
2016 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2016 - December |
2015 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2015 - December |
2014 ORFA Annual General Meeting
2014 - December |
ORFA Update - Recreation Emergency Management: A Lead Up to FORUM, Terry Piche, CRFP, CIT, Technical Director, ORFA Inc.
2019 - December |
Industry Watch - New & Emerging Topics, Terry Piche, CIT, RRFA, Technical Director, ORFA Inc.
2018 - December |
Industry Watch - New & Emerging Topics, Terry Piche, CIT, RRFA, Technical Director, ORFA Inc.
2017 - December |
Industry Watch - New & Emerging Topics, Terry Piche, CIT, RRFA, Technical Director, ORFA Inc.
2016 - December |
Industry Watch - News and Emerging Topics
- ORFA Update
- Use of Drone Aircraft on Recreation Grounds and Inside Facilities
- Recreation Facilities Asset Management (RFAM) Update
- Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Updates
2015 - December |
Industry Watch - News and Emerging Topics
2014 - December |
Technical Standards and Safety Authority - Alternative Rules for Ice Facilities Presenter: Brian Gee, Chief Officer, Operating Engineers Program, TSSA
2020 - December |
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation - Taxes and Municipal Recreation Facilities Presenter: Stephanie Wells, AIMA, Legislation and Policy Support Services Analyst, MPAC
2020 - December |
National Hockey League - Announces Program to Support Local Rinks Presenters: Omar Mitchell, NHL Vice President of Sustainable Infrastructure and Growth Initiatives and Ian Story, I.B. Story Inc.
2020 - December |
Naloxone, Harm Reduction & You – The Role You Can Play, Kironmoy Datta, Head of Marketing, Adapt Pharma and a Local Toronto Area Pharmacist
2019 - December |
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities and Special Needs, Kathy McLachlan, Acting Manager, Outreach and Education, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility and Jude Kelly, Communications/Public Education Officer, Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, Ministry of the Solicitor General
2019 - December |
Cyber - The New Realities for Municipalities, Stephanie Resendes, CIP, CRM, Underwriting Specialist, Casualty and Cyber, Frank Cowan Company
2019 - December |
Learning From the Fernie Memorial Arena Incident Investigation, Art Sutherland, Recreational Ice Specialist and Energy Management at Accent Refrigeration Systems
2018 - December |
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA): Operating Engineers Regulatory Review Status Update and 2019 Inspection, Mike Adams, Operating Engineers Chief Officer, Technical Standards and Safety Authority
2018 - December |
Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario - Asset Management , Donna Herridge, Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario
2018 - December |
Recreation Facility Asset Management - RFAM , John Tarantino, Marmak
2018 - December |
Changes to the Public Pool and Spa Regulation 565 – What Aquatic Facility Professionals Need to Know , Gail Botten, Advisor, Program Development Prevention and Safety, Canadian Red Cross and Chris Brown, Swimming and Water Safety Representative, Canadian Red Cross
2018 - December |
Zamboni Connect , Greg Dean, Zamboni
2017 - December |
RFAM - Recreation Facility Assest Management Software , John Tarantino, Marmak Technologies
2017 - December |
Ontario’s Aging Infrastructure – The Three Choices Are - Revitalize, Repurpose or Decommission
2017 - December |
Facility Access – Meeting the Shifts in User Trends, Brad McCannell, Vice President of Access and Inclusion, Rick Hansen Foundation
2017 - December |
The Future of the Operating Engineers Regulation, Mike Adams, Operating Engineers Chief Officer, Technical Standards and Safety Authority
2017 - December |
2016 Municipal Social Media Survey, Teri Clark, Social and Digital Media Strategist, Redbrick Communications
2016 - December |
Medical Marijuana in the Workplace, Jeff Pajot, Health & Safety Consultant- Government & Municipal Sector Public Services Health & Safety Association
2016 - December |
Revenue Generation - Maximizing Marketing Assets, Deanne Childs, Coordinator, Marketing Partnership, City of Pickering
2016 - December |
The Latest Practices and Technologies For The Management of Open Spaces, Dr. Eric Lyons, Director, Guelph Turfgrass Institute
2016 - December |
Banning Tobogganing, Len Bennett, Risk Analyst, Frank Cowan Company
2015 - December |
NHL Green Sustainability Program, Omar Mitchell, Senior Director, Public Affairs and Sustainability, National Hockey League
2015 - December |
Swimming Pool Indoor Air Quality & PHSHA New Products and Services, Monica Szabo, Executive Director, Government, Municipal and Public Services, PSHSA
2015 - December |
Ministry of Labour Safety Blitz Update, Don Brown, Provincial Specialist, Ministry of Labour
2015 - December |
Staff-Council Relations, Cathie Best, former AMCTO President, and former Clerk of the Town of Oakville
2014 - December |
Waste Management for Recreation Facilities, Ministry of Environment
2014 - December |
Winter Grounds Operations: Reducing Risk of Litigation, Jessica Jaremchuk, B.A., LL.B, Manager, Risk Management Consulting Services, Frank Cowan Company
2014 - December |
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