ORFA E-NEWS - Leaderboard Ad and Classified Posting
Promote your products and services in ORFA’s weekly E-News Classified section or on a Leaderboard ad. E-news provides the latest information on education, research, and trending topics of interest to the recreation facility professional.
Leaderboard Ads
Promote your products and services in ORFA’s weekly E-News Classified section or on a Leaderboard ad. E-news provides the latest information on education, research, and trending topics of interest to the recreation facility professional.
LEADERBOARD AD There are 3 high exposure ad positions available: 1) Leaderboard 2) Centre Leaderboard and 3) Lower Leaderboard. SAMPLE
Leaderboard Ad Specs and Pricing
Leaderboard* $1,200.00 ($1,600.00 NON-MEMBER) BUY NOW
Premium position on 4 E-News releases.
Artwork size: 1800px x 400 px
Artwork Format: GIF, JPG, or PNG
Centre Leaderboard* $1,000.00 ($1,400.00 NON-MEMBER) BUY NOW
Excellent position on 4 E-News releases.
Artwork size: 1800px x 400 px
Artwork Format: GIF, JPG, or PNG
Lower Leaderboard* $800.00 ($1,200.00 NON-MEMBER) BUY NOW
Good position on 4 E-News releases.
Artwork size: 1800px x 400 px
Artwork Format: GIF, JPG, or PNG
* Rates include 4 weekly E-News releases
Corporate Classified Posting
CORPORATE CLASSIFIED POSTING All classified ads are emailed directly to ORFA members through ORFA E-News and are also posted online for 30 consecutive days.
As an added benefit of 2024 Corporate membership, one FREE classified advert is provided in 2024 (Regular corporate member rate is $900.00) . MORE INFO