ORFA Members Share Recent TSSA Inspector Activity

November 27, 2023

ORFA members in the south-western part of the province have shared that Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) Inspectors have been active in their region focusing on specific areas of compliance and awareness of the Operating Engineers Regulation (OE). TSSA Chief Officer, Glen Lang shares that his office and team remain committed to public and operator safety by ongoing inspection. Chief Lang is quick to add that these activities are not outside of TSSA regular responsibilities but rather an effort to raise awareness of existing industrial refrigeration regulations. TSSA has a strong working relationship with ORFA, who they recognize as being connected to the grass roots of the ice sheet industry and a responsible voice to what is happening in these environments. The recent partnership of creating a Review of TSSA Registered, Unattended Ice Surface Plant Advisory to assist all refrigeration stakeholders in better understanding roles and responsibilities reflects both organizations commitment to safe and serviceable ice sheet refrigeration equipment and operation. All registered refrigeration plant stakeholders are encouraged to read the Advisory and act accordingly.

Members in the southwest shared that TSSA Inspectors are requiring all plants (as it is legislated in the B-52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code) to have a name plate label with the following items clearly identified:

  • Refrigerant type
  • How much refrigerant
  • Lubricant type
  • How much lubricant
  • Working pressures
  • Cut out pressures
  • Horsepower rating
  • Ton’s refrigeration
  • Plant registration #
  • Preventive Maintenance (PM) service agreement and work covered in PM

Chief Lang reminds plant owners, users, and responsible persons that any TSSA plant inspection does not confirm that the plant is in fact, safe, or compliant, but rather meets a reasonable level of plant operation and management compliance at the time of inspection. The true level of compliance might only be identified during a significant event in a registered plant room that requires a more forensic analysis of these details. Ontario enjoys a level of unattended plant self-governance which allows plant owners to operate as they deem fit. This approach comes with an expectation of regulatory compliance that includes the operation and management of the systems by competent and qualified persons. Additional investment in Ontario ice sheet refrigeration plants that are in, or entering, the final stage of life cycle to reduce the risk of failure and/or injury is strongly recommended.

TSSA recognizes the self-directed pathway created by ORFA to assist the ice sheet industry that allows plant stakeholders to receive basic training and skills training designed by the industry. These skills and tools may be developed internally using ORFA recommended best practices as templates or by attending ORFA training. [More

Chief Lang reminds that safe Ontario ice sheet industrial refrigeration is a responsibility of all stakeholders.