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  • Building Management and Operations (ILC-OL)

Building Management and Operations (ILC-OL)

  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024
  • 8:30 AM
  • Tuesday, November 19, 2024
  • 4:30 PM
  • Virtual
  • 22


  • All course instruction and examination will be completed online in real time.
  • All course instruction and examination will be completed online in real time.
  • All course instruction and examination will be completed online in real time. In addition to online lessons, participants can anticipate 1.5 to 2.0 hours of weekly homework.
  • All course instruction and examination will be completed online in real time.


Building Management and Operations

Instructor-led Course Online (ILC-OL). This course will be taught using Zoom.

  • Session 1: Tuesday, October 29 – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Session 2: November 12 – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Session 3: November 19 – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

The Building Management and Operations course presents materials as an introduction to facility management and operations. It focuses on the role and responsibilities of lead hands, supervisors and facility managers.

Information will be presented in a theory format by several guest presenters along with some group work and required reading of the included resources. The objective is to instill in the participant that this course is an overview of known recreation facility workplace obligations, best practices and industry related issues that may be encountered in their work environment. And the materials is offered as a stimulant to life-long learning. Participant’s commitment to applying the information will dictate their success within the industry.

This course takes the practitioner to a higher level of learning. Accomplished through and broader understanding of managerial operating best practices and how to engage operational teams through the development and implementation of operational tools such as log books, checklists and time dated maintenance plans.

Awareness of increasing pressures to be energy efficient while maximizing building life-cycle expectations continue to increase. It is expected that today’s recreation facility professional who has direct operational responsibilities must clearly understand and stay in tune with the legislative responsibility associated with their work environment.

The course explores creating policy, procedures, and tools that if not properly implemented, controlled, updated or reflective of legislative changes can impact operational information such as fire safety equipment inspection that may be put the facility at legal risk.

Other consideration is supervisory staff turnover inheriting operational directives and may lack the understanding and importance of maintaining the integrity of these important facility operational tools. Additionally, supervisory staff can be reluctant to adopt new ways or access new equipment to perform historical tasks.

Through a series of guest speakers this course will provide a framework for new, existing, or those striving to become supervisors with managerial responsibilities in maintaining facility operations while challenging the participant to be open minded in continually exploring new techniques and technologies associated with effective facility management.

Topics include:

  • Applying health and safety managerial tools that will ensure compliance to the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Embracing energy management as an ongoing fiscal responsibility. Having an energy management plan and understanding energy reduction strategies is a key responsibility of today’s facility manager
  • Understanding the Electrical Code and its application - Presenter: Electrical Safety Association
  • Developing an effective building risk management plan - Presenter: Frank Cowan Co.
  • Developing effective equipment maintenance plans - Presenter: Efficiency Engineering Inc.
  • Developing facility life-cycle plans - Presenter: Marmak Information Technologies
  • Facility Managerial Challenges – ORFA industry leaders will further share experiences on a variety of issues that impact recreational services provisions. Topics included but are not limited to:
  • Understanding the complexities of some legislative compliance – illegal alcohol consumption, animals in public facilities, and legal tobacco use are just some topics challenging today’s recreation facilities
  • Properly staffing a recreation facility – understanding how to create a staffing plan that meets the expectations of both the users and the operational budget is at times a balancing act
  • Building operational budgeting 101 – putting forward an operational budget that includes sufficient back-up support materials while creating a user fee system that reflects the true costs associated with use is information that senior management are now expecting
  • Emerging facility operational issues, emerging techniques, and technologies

Instructor: Larry Fisher, CRFP, CGT, CBT, Manager, Facilities and Operations, Algonquin College, Waterfront Campus and Frederick Horvath, CRFP, CMM III, former Director of Operations, Municipality of Clarington (retired)

This course is worth 28 professional development credits towards recertification of any ORFA professional designation

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  • ORFA COVID-19 Webinar Series