Member Toolbox Store Contact
Wednesday, September 24, 2025, Virtual • 8:30 am to 12 Noon
ORFA members have expressed their challenges associated with attracting and retaining staff. Investing in training of workers that may only be with an operation for a short period is a difficult but regulated obligation to be met. To assist our members, the ORFA has developed an industry onboarding series that will focus on risks, hazards and safety best practices that dovetails with the Right to Know, Right to Participate and Right to Refuse as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The ORFA Seasonal Ice Sheet Onboarding workshop will assist members in creating a strong foundation where new workers understand common terms, known risks, when to ask for additional workplace specific training or when not to attempt work that may place them at risk.
This workshop is worth 1 professional development credits towards recertification of any ORFA professional designation
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