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  • Advanced Refrigeration Facility Operator (RT-IP)

Advanced Refrigeration Facility Operator (RT-IP)

  • Wednesday, May 28, 2025
  • 8:30 AM
  • Friday, May 30, 2025
  • 4:30 PM
  • Carleton Place, ON
  • 26



Advanced Refrigeration Facility Operator

Wednesday, May 28 to Friday, May 30

Carleton Place Arena, Upper Hall, 75 Neelin Street, Carleton Place, ON K7C 4H1

The course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of practitioners who are considered to be the “user” as defined in the Operating Engineers Regulation of a registered “unattended” industrial ice sheet refrigeration plant. It builds on the knowledge learned in the ORFA Basic Arena Refrigeration course which is a recommended course pre-requisite. Participants will gain a strong working knowledge of roles and responsibilities associated with the operation, management and maintenance of these systems. Course curriculum is built on current regulatory responsibilities and accepted industry best practices. The learning objectives are recognized by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) as minimum training for those individuals who are responsible for decision making surrounding the day-to-day care and control of these plant rooms. Participants will receive all necessary tools to evaluate and/or build an ice sheet refrigeration workplace specific training, operational and maintenance program.

Topics include:

  • Module 1 - Defining Who Is In Care & Control of the Registered Ice Sheet Refrigeration Plant 
  • Module 2 - The Responsibility of Creating a Safe Registered Ice Sheet Refrigeration Plant Room 
  • Module 3 – The Responsibility of Mentoring Ice Sheet Refrigeration Plant Room Staff 
  • Module 4 – Creating and Maintaining a Plant Operational and Training Manual 
  • Module 5 - The Responsibility of Creating an Effective Registered Refrigeration Plant Maintenance Plan 
  • Module 6 – The Responsibility of Designing a Registered Refrigeration Plant Asset Management Plan 
  • Module 7 – The Responsibility of Registered Ice Sheet Refrigeration Emergency Planning 

Online Exam: Exam must be completed online within 30 days of attending the in-person course.

This is a recommended course for the ORFA Certified Arena Refrigeration Plant Technician (CARPT) designation. This course is also recommended ongoing professional development for B-Certificate Operators who are employed in the ice sheet industry.

This course is worth 28 professional development credits towards recertification of any ORFA professional designation

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